So if we are going to MOGA. There is a major challenge ahead of us, and since this phase will take some time i felt we might as well get started now. I have a list somewhere of the critical challenges we need to fix in a new version but at the moment i cant find it. So ill try to start over and add as i go. Actually if you know of any "critical" changes such as bug fixes please add them.
Reminder- this is not about features, this is about catching up to PHP and fixing some well known and critical issues only. We can work on features later.
I dont want to use the GitHub version because i have no clue who those people are, for all i know they could be coding in exploits. So i would rather start with what we know is true and safe, the version on the server 1.8.4 and we can build on that.
1. we have to update smarty
- this change has been commited to the gitHub
2. we have to fix the bug in the virtural gifts plugin
see here
- This change has been committed to the gitHub
3. We have to fix the install so that it installs on the following php versions:
5.6.4 and 7.0 thru 7.4.5 and prepare it for 8.0
4. We have to update the software as well to run on the followig php versions:
5.6.4 and 7.0 thru 7.4.5 and prepare it for 8.0
5. We have to make it default that the templates_c folder is located above the
public_html for added security.
6. Add mobile version for all out of the box plugins.
7. We need to begin the transition of converting array() to just [] globally.
- Change has been commited to gitHub
9. add alt tags
10. also have to modify the core database.php file on line 200 to only check mysql version if php is less than 7, and then again the function itself called isMysqlValidVersion()
11. Fix blog plugin and other out of the box plugins regarding the implicit GROUP BY issue.
- Change has been commited to gitHub
12. update guzzle
- this change has been commited to the gitHub
13. build PWA
14. improve login to avoid blunt force
more to follow.... help if you can please!