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Problems With Plugin - User category | Forum

OW-Ghost Jul 12 '20
Hi my friend.

I have some problems:

1. Meta issues on each page the plugin create:

<title>****** </title> = Can not quick translate in plugin settings or any where?

<meta name="description" content="Search for particular users in our community." /> = Add same value on all pages and not possible add correct description in plugin settings? Not possible translate the meta in the plugin settings?

<meta name="keywords" content="user list" /> = Not possible add kewords in plugin settings or add languages.

2. No responsive side scroll on memberx plugin so the page will not bee visible on internet. Today google use mobile first index always on all pages on internet. (i think you going to fix this? i reported this on memberx plugin page already ass a issue)

3. Please remove all search functions on top of pages becaue it will doublicate cotent and not allowed on google. And it will make guest easy to use search feature even if you deny them use it.

4. Please remove quick buttons under profiles just on this page so more space for TEXT content will bee visible and get better result for your pages in search engines.

Stop google index searh page like mysite.com/user/search and make GUEST users browse around for free and not need sign up first.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 12 '20
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