The site was and is set up exactly as my clients?
What is worrying that you stated you have to go back to step one and reprogram your plugin. Can you tell me why is a math equation in certain conditions what conditions?
Now here we have a oxwall 1.5.1 set up correctly, the clone being set right, mail operates perfectly. Oxwall is at home/public_html/newscy. on the client site Oxwall 1.5.1 is at home/public_html/personbo Are you telling me the plugin equations do not work on perfect installations? Please don't fob me off. This is exactly why there is a need for quality control.
Yes there is an argument of differences here you may be able to fob of those that have no clue to coding but please don't try that on me.
If it needed a script change I can handle that. What do i have to do to get the equations working and why was this plugin sold if it has problems with a standard oxwall 1.5.1 install. yes I do know you have some brilliant scripts that work perfectly. Well done with that but i did have a client moaning and I followed up the problem.