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Event Cover | plugin

Event Cover

7 images
Published Jun 22 '20

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Plugin title Event Cover
Item published Sergey Kambalin
Category Interface, Social networking
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.4
Demo page demo.oxpro.org/event/1
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Plugin adds possibility for event creators to change cover images ( including animated images - GIF ) of their events.
This plugin also adds new interface that makes inviting users to event easier a...
Plugin adds possibility for event creators to change cover images ( including animated images - GIF ) of their events.
This plugin also adds new interface that makes inviting users to event easier and more user friendly.

Requirements :
Oxwall Events plugin

Supported Features:
User Roles
User Credits
Friend Lists
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Total product rate

Based on 3 reviews

Customer reviews

Morena Milani
Very Well

very nice and complete the events section

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Morena Milani,
Mar 9 '15


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