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Protect Content | plugin

Protect Content

2 images
Published Aug 30 '17

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Plugin title Protect Content
Item published Sumate
Category System, Utilities
Price $5
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page somoscd.es/testsite/index
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
This plugin prevents them from stealing your content. Lock the right click. Lock the text selection. This prevents them from stealing the text. Protect your

news, blogs, images etc.Adds a widget t...
This plugin prevents them from stealing your content. Lock the right click. Lock the text selection. This prevents them from stealing the text. Protect your

news, blogs, images etc.Adds a widget to the wall and dashboard alerting the user. There are more sophisticated ways to be able to copy content, such as looking at the code Source, but fortunately not many are

aware of that. It should work throughout the site. 100% compatibility with all third party plugins is not guaranteed.

Test in:Newsfeed
Test in:Dasboard
Test in:Forum
Test in:Groups
Test in:Events
Test in:Blogs
Test in:Video
Test in Firefox
Test in Chrome
Test in Internet Explorer
Test in Safari
Test in Microsoft Edge

Free and paid plugins, plus a lot of documentation: https://owspain.com/
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Total product rate

Based on 1 reviews

Customer reviews

Outperformer 3000
Works ...

Works as descripted. It's very strong. No paste and copy possible on site. I need that only for protect images. Better: make sections, what would be blocked and what should be free.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 2 people

Outperformer 3000,
Nov 20 '17

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