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VKontakte connect | plugin

VKontakte connect

6 images
Published Jun 22 '20
Total downloads 3228
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Plugin title VKontakte connect
Item published Sergey Kambalin
Category Authentication, Social networking
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page demo.oxpro.org
License OSCL
Description Allow users to join, sign in, and synchronize profile info using their VKontakte accounts

GitHub: https://github.com/greyexpert/vkconnect
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Based on 4 reviews

Customer reviews

VK connect plugin

Good work!!!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 3 out of 4 people

Feb 6 '13
Not working

When I bought this plugin cost me $10 ..now is free I know why because is not working at all ...!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Jun 22 '14
