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Oxwall Store

Photo Rate Notification
If you allow photos to be shared on your site this is a very must have plugin. Here is the way it works... When someone rates your photo you...
Marcus · Aug 23 '19 · $5
SEO Meta Tags
Display different SEO Meta Tags for any language when site display default title, description and keywords. Otherwise if page have other title,...
ArtMedia · Aug 18 '16 · $10
Search Range
After you install this plugin, when you create a profile question with the type "Single Choice - Regular (Slower results, unlimited)", you will...
Daniel · Jul 25 '20 · $72
DB Manager
Keep your Database clean! Manage your Database. See which plugin uses most space and when. Also clear unused content automaticly.
Mike · Jun 22 '20 · $7
Mobile Profile
Adds the profile edit, privacy, mail notification settings, preference and match preference pages on Oxwall mobile version.
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs · Dec 28 '19 · $35
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