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Ash Sep 23 '19

Is there a way to automatically fetch the content of users BIO in seo descriptions text? So that when user profile is shared outside the website it adds to the members meaning

dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '19
Go to settings/seo and then on the drop down choose users, try that. 
Ash Sep 23 '19
Sir i see {$username} and {$user_name} , 

but there is no option of {$BIO}or {$userbio} or anyting related to custom fields 

since every user will have individual content updated in their respective profile

Ash Sep 23 '19
Also i tried changing and now even the earlier catch is not fetching.. how do i retain / solve this marked in red?

OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
SEO rules . you can not add to long description text or title text to any meta. that is not good for SEO add long BIO about a user. then there need to bee a letter limit added and you need a custom plugin for doing that.
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
try empty "cache" for get back same as before

if you not sure how to do it ,there is a plugin for do it:


and clean cache in your browser to

let we know if that works

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
Ash Sep 23 '19

I went and ran the catch clean extreme, also deleted cookies on mobile phone and tried fetching the link again... but still its showing {$user_name}

it was running well earlier post install, but when i tried changing {$user_name} to {$username} this started happening...

may be its due to social media crawlers i will need to wait till few days?

OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
i think it is the very old seo plugin that makes issues for you. i remember i did have same issues with his plugin. try uninstall the seo plugins you use and try look the language value and paste the language value here and i will compare what language value i run on my own site
dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '19
Also if you are going to add bio's to search engines, you might want to get users permission to do so.  They may not like to have their personal bio on search engine for the world to see.  I would at a minimum add it to your Site Terms page so they know.   
Ash Sep 23 '19
Absolutely Right sir - i will rethink and bring something better form of idea from the angle of users choice and then will post for plugin requirement accordingly!

BTW - after removing a plugin i was using of OxArt Advance SEO https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/805  and running the catch cleaner - this forum topics problem got resolved!

Thanks to @OW-Ghost sharing his insight on the plugin issues he face at  https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/65603



OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
You welcome :) Happy to help!



dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '19
Thanks for helping Ghost..