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Cron Test | plugin

Cron Test

2 images
Last updated Apr 2 '15
Downloads 2505
Published Apr 2 '15
Total downloads 2541


Plugin title Cron Test
Item published Mario Carriere
Category Optimization, Utilities
Compatible with 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.7.5
License The BSD License
Terms of Use view
Cron Job troubleshooting

This is a very simple plugin using very basic function. It is intended only to test the configuration of your cron job.

Tested with 1.7.1 ans 1.7.2
Oxwall recommend th...
Cron Job troubleshooting

This is a very simple plugin using very basic function. It is intended only to test the configuration of your cron job.

Tested with 1.7.1 ans 1.7.2
Oxwall recommend that your cron job should be set to be active every 1 minute.

If your cron job is configured correctly, you will see a message in the box every time the cron job is executed. The message will show the time the cron job has been trigger.

Please note : Even if your cron job is set to 1 minutes, you can see a delay between 1 and 3 minutes between each message. This is normal.
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Total product rate

Based on 6 reviews

Customer reviews

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Very useful, simple, practical and indispensable

Great job, I've always had problems with cron and with this plugin'm happy !!! Congratulations to the developer to revise the two nonsense of the first version so fast and friendly. From here I encourage you to post more plugins!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Patricia Zorrilla,
Apr 3 '15
