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Country blocker
Block users from certain countries to your website Plugin have: - ipv4 database - ipv6 database You can: - select external service or own...
ArtMedia · Oct 2 '17 · $20
Add a widget in MAIN, DASBHOARD and PROFILE simulating the facebook bookmarks with many options. This makes navigation much easier for our users....
Sumate · Jan 15 '18 · $10
Enhance your Oxwall or Skadate website with the powerful Testimonials plugin by Bluetide Webs. Designed to seamlessly integrate user testimonials...
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs · May 18 '20 · $40
Covid Interactive Informer
This plugin will help increase activity on your site.Showing concern for your members increases your confidence and vision about the site -It...
Sumate · May 18 '20 · $10
Landing Page
This plugin enable landing page or popup to guest, which enter the site. You can warn them about site content
ArtMedia · May 18 '20 · $25
Photo notifications
Send additional notifications to users, when moderator approve, delete photo. Some features require premoderation plugin
ArtMedia · Feb 28 '20 · $20
Featured Users
Users can buys packages to display their profile on featured section. You can display different packages plan for account types. Plugin display...
ArtMedia · Nov 29 '18 · $30
Help Center
Premium and fully fledged help center plugin modelled like Facebook help center with menus and custom page layout.
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs · May 30 '18 · $35
Actions of News Feed (Facebook style)
-Supports the role system. -It allows users new interactions on the wall in the style of facebook. Available Actions: -Feeling -celebrating...
Sumate · Mar 17 '19 · $5
Profile Status Emojis Style
Users will have the possibility to put predefined profile states in emoji mode.Support Roles. Now the status of the user accompanied by his icon...
Sumate · Jan 25 '19 · $10
Color of states (Facebook style)
--V7-- It allows users to publish any state with a facebook-like background. This is an idea that was very successful in the great Facebook social...
Sumate · May 13 '19 · $10
CoinBase Billing
Accept payments from users via CoinBase. Support Mobile version.
ArtMedia · Apr 19 '20 · $40
User Role Photos Limit
Limit number of photos a user can see based on their user role.
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs · Apr 19 '20 · $15
Typing Indicator
Display 3 dots in chat conversation when the other user is typing. User roles compatible. Admin can set user role that can watch this "Typing...
Senior Developer · Aug 7 '19 · $25
Moderator Notes
Adds widget to user profile where moderators can store notes visible only to other moderators. Edit or modify as you like, or include in your...
Dev Forward · Mar 11 '20 · free
Google This Pro
What are the differences from the free version: 1) Pro version supports avatar search, free version does not, see screenshot 2. 2) Pro version...
Daniel · Nov 17 '16 · $72
Member X
Member X is a replacement of original member list page, it is the best way to browse users. It is a brand new and modern user browser plugin with...
Daniel · Jan 16 '17 · $199
Links Sharing
This plugin allows your social network users to post and share helpful links. Links Sharing can be put in category and tagged for easy searching,...
iDragon Solution Co., Ltd · Dec 29 '15 · $15
Photo Limit
Limit photos per user. When user upload new photos, then we check photos limit is exceed, if yes, then upload photos is disabled.
ArtMedia · Aug 31 '17 · $15
Last Login
Display last login widget on user account profile. Additional display last login date on profile questions.
ArtMedia · Aug 24 '18 · $20
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