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Topic location: Support » General Questions
Fabrice Nov 20 '17
Somebody know how add the smooth scrolling for mobile in chat/notify/messages?  Like in newsfeed.... that scrolling is faster and start fast then finish slow (the effect of pushing a whell, if you don't continue to push, this will stop gradually). Without this extension, the navigation is very prehistoric using a smarphone.... More
Cesar Leiva
Cesar Leiva Nov 28 '17
hi there is the possibility of integrating oxwallmobile payment with fortumo for my websitesince fortumo is very used by the most famous social networks I think it's more than said since many of us who are faithful members of oxwallwe need to update and see services that are at the hand of many … More
Topic location: Support » Oxwall Store
Outperformer 3000
Outperformer 3000 Nov 29 '17
Hi, can somebody open http://demo.azahar.in/?layout=twoo  on MOBILE, sign in with demoa and demo  and then try to logout. Is it possible? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
falancas Dec 8 '17
What can I do about this issue? domain.com/mobile-version work. Direct input works with the link but it shows the desktop on mobile input. More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Rock Dec 10 '17
Hi. I am new to Oxwall and had a question about the mobile version. I have setup my site and on the desktop version it looks good. However, the mobile version isnt showing items like forum, blog, events and groups. I looked in the admin panel under mobile and didnt see anything that explained how to … More
Fabrice Nov 27 '17
[sorry for my bad english] in other sites (example pornhub) you can add to the browser favorites a page with a specific search because in the URL there are all parameters (example https://it.pornhub.com/user/search?ageControl=1&username=&online=1&city=&gender=2& … More
Topic location: Support » Oxwall Store
Liviu-Daniel Dec 9 '17
Hello, I'm creating a dating comunity using Oxwall. Is there a plugin to display user age? This detail is missing from user profile. Birthday is selected on user registration. Please help me fix this issue. A dating website must display user age. Thank you. More
Chinmay Sahoo
Chinmay Sahoo Jun 22 '17
What is Video Embed Code ? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Onur Dec 25 '17
how can i change on mobile profil photo? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Ikechukwu Dec 26 '17
Looking for and RSS feed aggregator I can add to my site. Hoping to find something that works with mobile and I can categorize into sections like entertainment, top news, politics, sports, business etc. Thanks.  More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Française
Studio Little Dreams
Nous avons une Licence PRIME CMS DOLPHIN de chez boonex (avec application mobile)... plus de 3500 euros de module pour un site de rencontre !Licence Transferable sur un nom de domaine, donc si cela intéresse quelqu'un, me contacter pour en savoir plus... More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Française
Damien Jan 11 '18
… plus dans la site et aussi dans le panneau d'admin, ce qui est d'autant plus étrange c'est que j'arrive a voir ces icone sur la version bureau sur mobile, mais en plus de cela j'arrive a accéder a tous les onglets de c'est icone voici quelques images, je ne comprend pas parce que encore hier je les … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Claudia Jeronimo
Claudia Jeronimo Dec 28 '17
Guys How I can change the logo imagem with slide show. More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jan 18 '18
Hello, How are you able to make the portion where you add all the plugins into wider as wide as the device, as it's ofset to the right leaving some space on  the left column of the webpage on mobile view. Best Regards, Mr. Brown More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Shaun Jan 25 '18
Hi guys I am trying to make a link page on oxwalls mobile version the site. I am hoping someone could give me an example of a link that would take a visitor to the page I want but be able to take them to More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Onur Jan 26 '18
i am not happy by oxwall seo and oxwall google optimization. İ tried a lot of seo strategry. i can't reach success. google scanning my website like crazy. there is not page check country. it is scanning even page non-existent.   https://www.ilkok.com/?language_id=1  … More
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Jan 28 '18
While other users are able to log in and out without problems. There is a member whom has been showing as online for several days now. Other members who forget to log out are being logged out automatically after 30min because of the cron job. So the cron job seem to be correctly set up.  … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
ketkew Sep 24 '15
Okay, PHP version 7 is as far as I can read not ready for production yet, but the production deadline comes closer.. so the question will be.. is Oxwall ready for this new release? The most advantage will be speed, some test results for Wordpress and Drupal shows significant results: … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Onur Feb 5 '18
how can i make to change profil photo on mobil?  Someone has a idea?  More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Deutsch
Juergen Feb 4 '18
Hallo liebe Oxwall/ SkaDate Dating Software and Mobile Apps Fangemeinde. Wir bieten ab diesem Jahr 2018 professionellen Support für individuelle Plugin Entwicklungen an! Preiswert, professionell und … More
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