I have not upgraded it yet- it looks like they put out a foundation to build on. There has been some talk about what the upgrade does not do- I am curious what it does. From the release notes here,
it looks like it
-Allows viewing, posting (including uploading pictures) to the oxwall newsfeed.
-Allows members to view profile pages.
People have said it is amazing.... I am curious how.
And it does not work with the dashboard? Do you mean administrative dashboard or member dashboard feed?
What about notifications?
I too am pretty reliant on the groups and forums. I have hopes for mobile access to those areas soon. But, if users are able to see activity from a mobile, it will hopefully encourage them to log into their groups when they see activity in the newsfeed.
Thanks to everyone at oxwall as well as the beta testers.
From the looks of it, it looks like
I am hearing alot about what it does not do. I am wondering if folks can talk a little about what it does do.