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Adult VIP Blur Photos | plugin

Adult VIP Blur Photos

17 images
Last updated Jul 16 '21
Published Dec 7 '18

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Plugin title Adult VIP Blur Photos
Item published Senior Developer
Category Dating, Monetization
Price $50
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
ReadMe view
Oxwall, Skadate iOS, Android and Progressive Web App fully compatible. User Credits Compatible. Protect photos based on user roles. Blur photos and user Avatars. Users can mark their Photo as "adult" ... Oxwall, Skadate iOS, Android and Progressive Web App fully compatible. User Credits Compatible. Protect photos based on user roles. Blur photos and user Avatars. Users can mark their Photo as "adult" or private. User role based, all photos marked as "adult" or NSFW(Not Safe For Work) or private will be seen by the owner, admin and the users from certain role, for example VIP only.

NEW FEATURE SINCE VERSION 13: Photo owners can earn credits when somebody unlock their photos

It works on all photos, new and old photos.
The admin can mark/un-mark photos for blur one by one if needed.

New feature added: Admin can set all photos from user role as adult/private
New feature added: Admin can set all photos from any sex as adult/private

This version has no automated detection tool, all blurred photos should be marked manually by the admin or the Photo owner or set all photos from certain user role or sex to be blurred.
AVATARS from this role OR sex will be blurred too.

This tool is effective for user conversion, they want to watch what's in the blurred photo, so they click on the link and buy a paid membership. This plugin only displays a link over the photo, REQUIRES "Paid Membership" to handle the account upgrades.

As you can see in the screenshots, the blur is way better than others and it is now fully compatible with Skadate APPs too.

Please read the README file before asking any question.

Compatibility list:

Oxwall Website for Desktop
Oxwall Website for Mobile
Skadate Website for Desktop
Skadate Website for Mobile
Skadate for iOS
Skadate for Android
Skadate for Progresive Web App (PWA)

Features list:
Blur photos
User roles
User gender
Paid Memberships
Admin can choose the image Tag (Lock or VIP image over the blurred image)
Customized colors for tags.
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Super plugin ..

Super plugin .. Finally a great plugin :-) It took a long time until an Adult Blur plugin comes. Quick help even if it was my fault (membership must of course be set correctly *laughing*) SD you have super plugins ... Thanks

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Dec 8 '18
