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Affiliate For Credits | plugin

Affiliate For Credits

10 images
Last updated Jun 6 '19
Published Apr 9 '19

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Plugin title Affiliate For Credits
Item published Senior Developer
Category Dating, Monetization
Price $49
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro/join?affiliate=846893281
License OSCL
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Users get Credits for every user referral. Monetize your website.
Every referral who registers with their referral code will give free credits to the referrer.

Admin can set if credits will be pai...
Users get Credits for every user referral. Monetize your website.
Every referral who registers with their referral code will give free credits to the referrer.

Admin can set if credits will be paid automatically or manually.
Admin can set if the payment will be added when the user registers a new account or when they reach the minimum spend.

The Affiliated users can share the affiliates code and be rewarded with credits for each referral.

They get credits when referral register or when the referral spend money buying anything (products, credits, memberships, ads, etc...)

Includes a page with terms of the program, only users who agreed those terms will be added into the program and will be listed in the plugin's settings.

*Requires USER CREDITS plugin to work.
Please make sure your website has USER CREDITS plugin before purchasing this plugin.
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Great tool to grow your site!

Once again a great work from this developer. It can help you grow your site using your existing user-base. Just reward your users for sharing your website (registration) or when the new users actually spend money on your site (similar to an affiliate program). Developer is also very helpful with problems and feature requests.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Jul 18 '19
