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Avatar History | plugin

Avatar History

3 images
Last updated Jun 22 '20
Downloads 295
Published Jun 21 '20
Total downloads 12102
Other downloads
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uavatars.1700.zip 25.45kb (919 downloads)
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uavatars.818.zip 24.15kb (1763 downloads)
uavatars.490.zip 26.37kb (2141 downloads)

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Plugin title Avatar History
Item published Sergey Kambalin
Category Interface, Social networking
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page demo.oxpro.org
License The BSD License
Stores all user avatars in a special photo album ( "Profile Pictures" by default )

Oxwall Photo ( Latest Version )

The plugin will work only for new uploaded avatars

Stores all user avatars in a special photo album ( "Profile Pictures" by default )

Oxwall Photo ( Latest Version )

The plugin will work only for new uploaded avatars

GitHub: https://github.com/greyexpert/uavatars
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Total product rate

Based on 11 reviews

Customer reviews

Kevin Soto Vallejo

Este plugin era uno de los que nesesitaba jeje :) gracias por la aportacion excelente aportacion diria yo, te felicito

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 3 out of 3 people

Kevin Soto Vallejo,
Apr 19 '13
Great and professional Plugin

Very nice plugin that separate user profile pictures to a single folder.. Just like Facebook.. nice.. 5 Star.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 3 out of 3 people

Jun 19 '13
