I upgraded to the latest version, then i had over 18 plugins needs update.I was updating the plugins then i got this errorAfter that i had problems with my web host, they suspend my accountmy account was pushing load on the server with dual xeon CPUs, etc..
Anyways, … More
Hi guys, Trying to setup oxwall on a test server of mine can somebody lead me in the rigth direction. Just want too host a test oxwall site on a virtual machine. … More
There seems to be a major error/omission in the 1.5.3 zip file, when extracting it into my webserver home directory /var/www/xyz i can NOT get into the setup by entering localhost/xyz/install all i get is "The requested URL /xyz/install was not found on this server. … More
Unfortunately I have problems with the installation and do not come on.Starting point:Windows server VPlesk
The V server very fresh, have previously always had a Debian server and as always, everything went ....
When you call the domain http://oxwall.aczserver.de already comes the 404. … More
Thanks all for your offerings. When Oxwall installs on WAMP as simple and smooth as Joomla, Drupal and Moodle have, I will definitely give it a thorough trial! Until then other things need the time consumed trying!
Thanks, … More
after installing now i get another problem.the page loads but sometime gives me this error.
Error 500 Internal Server Error
what's causing this? i saw many people out here got this problem.But no good solution More
I tried to change my MySQL user password in cPanel, but when I change it, the site goes down..
how do I change it properly in the oxwall ? More
First tried installing with WAMP, didn't work, 404 directory not found. So tried with the recommended AMPPS. Now when I try and install I get the following error:
Could not make the query numbered : 243
MySQL Error No : 1064
Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; … More
I have access to a test server currently running elgg, and we're looking at potentially making the switch to Oxwall. I was hoping to install it under testservice.com/oxwall , but I not sure how to approach it. I've set up the installation files under /var/www/oxwall , but I can't access the install page. Any suggestions? More
Need your help as I have just now installed oxwall but I am getting the below mentioned error. I am installing Oxwall on godaddy server
"Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. … More
Is this server configuration is best for starting own social network using oxwall.I also want to host RMTP server on this dedicated server.My oxwall software will be hosted on this dedicated server along the rmtp server.Configuration:-CPU :- Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHzRAM :- 4GBHard Drive :- 1400GBCPU Cores :- 2 More
So, hello, friends,
i've searched all i could find topics, but none solution helped me with this.
as i see, it's .htaccess cause
first, it was "oxwall's 500.phtml error", … More
I am using Wamp on windows 7 .
I have putted my download folder to C:\wamp\www\oxwall-1.6.0 then run the insatllation in browser.
also created the cron but error comes 500 internal server when continue button is clcik on install tab.
Please provide any solution asap.
Thanks in advance.
the server requirements needs updating
with out curlssl on i was facing lots of issues including facebook connect not working
curlssl on needs to be added to this list
Linux/Unix/WindowsApache 2 or higher (with mod_rewrite module)PHP 5.2.6 or higher with: … More
I have upload the files to my web server , but when I visit it , it show :
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@www.yi78. … More
I finally installed Oxwall ver 1.6 to my site the other day, but as soon as I did. I got a 500 internal server error. I've been looking through my files in my cPanel, and tried changing the permissions and no fix. I restored my files from a month ago and still nothing. … More
when i read all the annoying issues with 500 Errors, i cant believe why the System has to build around the mod_rewrite requirement...
this keeps away a lot of possible installations...
and by the way, wordpress for example, get it managed, displaying clean URLs without that shitty mod_rewrite... More