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Topic location: Support » Oxwall Store
Bernd Feb 20 '17
I bought this plugin Blur Photo content https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1341 plugin does not work I get this Photo is this Blur Photo view Photo ? NO ,for me not Please return my money $30 back Mr.Smith https://developers.oxwall.com/user/owplugins More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Dana Feb 26 '17
… any of the other functionality except the forum and don't care about any other parts. However, our forum is decreasing in participation because the mobile version is so terrible. It looks just like the desktop version, is hard to type in, the boxes don't resize, etc. All we want is for the mobileMore
piet none
piet none Mar 7 '17
Message:            rmdir(/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity/mobile/images): No such file or directory File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Française
Franck Mar 14 '17
Bonjour,J'ai un gros soucis car beaucoup de personnes me disent qu'il est impossible de se connecter sur mon site internet via Facebook Connect sur un mobile, tandis que sur un PC bureau , pas de soucis. Avez vous déjà rencontré le problème ? Lien vers mon site : MyPassion Merci de votre aide More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Française
Serge Lvd
Serge Lvd Mar 16 '17
Bonjour, Sur la version mobile, les photos ne s'affiche pas en grand si elles ne sont pas insérées dans un album ("about:blank" lors d'un appuis long). Une solution svp ? Merci beaucoup. More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Español
Luis Mar 17 '17
… este error que me tiene loco !! yo que no manejo mucho php, en la versión movil de cualquier tema responsive y obviamente inhabilitada la version mobile del sitio para que el tema responsive se adapte en CUALQUIER tema a la hora de responder un  mensaje al presionar el textarea (la caja de … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Andika Mar 19 '17
How to add event menu in mobile version? More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Theo Mar 27 '17
… ; So will be grateful to hear your experiences with Skadate compare to other dating apps available (features and cost comparison). If you use the mobile app version as well, how well does it function? cheers, More
Topic location: Support » Oxwall Store
Gareth Apr 15 '17
Hi, I need a Group Categories plugin is there such a thing available. Unfortunately a search could not find anything. Is the Oxwall community still alive, updates are few and far between and the mobile functions from the original installation mainly direct to the desktop view. Thanks, Gareth More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Bruce Tran
Bruce Tran Apr 13 '17
I feel like Oxwall has abandoned the community it built. No reply to emails or questions asked on forum. Anybody knows why? I'm setting up my website https://bonsaiunited.com and finishing up final touches. I'm a little doubtful about using Oxwall for my social network because of this issue. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Silvio Apr 23 '17
I'm a long time Oxwall user and i was using it on my sites since 2014. Three days ago i removed my last oxwall project and turned on Wp+BP. I'm sorry to see this cms slowing disappear but i understand that managing it needed a lot of investments (time and money). … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Apr 25 '17
Hi,I am for the most part happy with the mobile variant of Oxwall using Simplicity. A bit rudimentary still, but it gets the job done for what I need to do.  However, I've got one issue and I' … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
mohammad May 3 '17
Hi in desctop version i can send zip , pdf or ... type of file but in mobile version just i can send image files , how i can change it ? More
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi May 8 '17
Hi Guys, I want to know if i enable my mobile https://www.myvirgo.info/mobile-version is there a way to make certain pages not load on mobile but other pages do ? I need a work around so that when someone visits https://www.myvirgo.infowill be re-directed to https://www.myvirgo.info/ … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Paul May 10 '17
The chat and message plugin is one of the most using funktion of a community, but the message plugin makes a lot of problems. The most iOS mobile safari Users can not open messages. Only the spinner is loading.Some safari users can Not open the Text input.It even doesn work to use a Standard … More
Andika May 10 '17
How to edit picture size in element event mobile view ? More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Carlos Pires Corrente
… this is the best place to write this, but I would like to know if in the next oxwall script update if its possible to add or make the groups work on mobile version, specially because not everyone feel comfortable to change the theme just because of that. Anyway, Oxwall was created so many years ago … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Sagar May 22 '17
I want to edit my theme menu style. it is like this at present:-  and i want to change this as :-   i am using simplicity-responsive-sb theme. and mainly i want that my mobile menu and pc menu look similar.can anyone help me how to make this change? More
sentirenba Jun 7 '17
… with someone. The conversation area should appear within the same frame or within the screen display area because if the user access the plugin from mobile devices the conversation area move out of the display area and cannot able to see the area to type a text in a conversation. More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Garry Jun 10 '17
If I direct to /mysite.com/mobile-version it sets the base Mobile version, ok great however if I re-visit same /mysite.com/mobile-version it gives PAGE NOT FOUND and likewise for mysite.com/desktop-version This makes any hard URL's to direct a user to a preferred version "One More
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