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Well I am done spending money | Forum

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OW-Ghost Nov 16 '16
<<<<As for you marcus, if you feel you have to go somewhere else then go, its ok we will survive without you. >>>

as for you dave i will stay here forever with this profile or another profile and tell you wrong about many things here at oxwall

just because you want i leave so many times and are in my opinion not a good developer here at oxwall and big break for things bee better at oxwall

you can keep you finger across they finish the fingerprint plugin that was my idea and they can block me for tell you wrong about many things many times. but event with that plugin i know how to do for pass it.

so no mather how much you tell you want report me and block me i will bee back even if they block entire sweden ip range i will bee back just for show you are so much wrong about many things and dream about have me removed from oxwall many times

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 16 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 16 '16
Marcus, please read the terms and conditions of your plugins, and in general of every software that you buy.

Before I started using oxwall for my own social network I did a Costbenefit analysis and found that this is the one who suits me best. You can do the same, if you do it, please do it when you are not mad or very happy, so you can see if it is really as bad as you think or if it is better than you think.

OW-Ghost Nov 16 '16
yes SD i think that is very smart idea, thank you SD i will do that and see what will suit me. 

i need calm down because i feel this dave is a s............e in this forum that should bee removed for oxwall success 

or remove me either one of us ....i get crazy listen to that guy....

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 16 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 16 '16
I am loved my many, hated by few, welcome to the few marcus glad to have you aboard the short bus. 

Read, and educate yourselves and make the best decision you can, that is how you protect yourselves as consumers.  Myself and other volunteer's (leaders or not) will always be here to put our best foot forward to help those that need help.  We also offer some of the best plugins for the price not just in Oxwall but also the business.  Plugins that are made with passion for quality and passion for professionalizm.  

We hope that all of you can educate yourselves to tell the difference and grant us the opportunity to server you as a customer of ours.  


OW-Ghost Nov 16 '16
>>>Plugins that are made with passion for quality and passion for professionalizm.  <<<

start make you plugins support mobile version and make you plugins have seo urls. then you can talk about quality and passion and professionalizm. 

SD and other new developers put hard work create such plugins already but you speak to others this 2 things is not importen. 

We hope that you dave can educate you self to create such plugins here so other new developers can follow you as a good example 


Steve Nov 19 '16
Well I did find this out about the comment editor...Read for yourself.


The Forum post is edited by Steve Nov 19 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
They have pick this strategy at oxwall store:

Send in new developers(profiles) and let they remake the plugins

Good about this is:

- We get new fully working plugins at the store and the new developers want to create a good reputation and support plugins that are a remake of a old plugins or totally new.( for just a short time for example 2 years)

- The new developer earns new good money on old ideas and old plugins for make them better.

- Developers can make deals with the old developer in private to remake his plugin

- Developers can leave they old bad reputation for create a new profile and good reputation again.

Bad about this is:

- We get website drops for 1 -24 months our website stop suddenly working as it should do because old developers decide handle over his plugins to another one or just decide to stop support them and leave the store. and who knows maybe come back with another profile in the store.

- Customers get angry and complaints for bad support here forever.

- Oxwall will have customers leaving because plugins with importen features stops works for long time, and that happen maybe every second year for example.

- Buyers will never know when his plugins will stop working you will have a very unsafe business running.

- You will invest in same plugins 2,3 times maybe 10 times with different developers in this store and a plugin that have been upgraded and little bit remake the plugin with new features so it will not looks exactly same as the old one.

Very good new strategy you not agree with me??

I see nothing good about this and the winner here is again is the developers

I will bring up a example here:

Smiley plugin that we who stay here long time did buy was suddenly stop works and as we know now the developer decide leave the plugin and the store.

After many complaints in 1 year there is no good smiley plugin at oxwall a new developer named sd comes and remake this old smiley plugin to working and implement some better features to that plugin we all was very happy include me.

several months later when he have probably many payed him for this new remake smiley plugin skalfa is post a free smiley plugin in the store. what can i say if you little bit smart you understand what i try to say here.

was this a strategy for skalfa get a updated smiley plugin with support from sd and money or was this just something that happen and was never a strategy....judge you self

i feel the story is no good at all...and this startegy with neew developers remake plugins here and you need pay every second year for example is not a good solution.

I this then better they implement so the developer get some money for he upgrade his plugin for fully working and we get no suddenly stops and suddenly no support for our features

but the problem is he want to clean maybe his bad reputation so he probably would prefer create a new profile or leave his plugin for another developer

i wish i was stupid and did not see all this issues that this store have

why i complain is that i want have a safe business running and not get this stops every year, and not come here say it is not possible to do everything is possible but i know there is developers here that really happy with this system and enjoy every little time they earn money here and milk out money on us "stupid" buyers every year

i did try fix this my self but the problem is they have make so you could not do that to in this store fix you plugins issues that is not legal to do that you forced use they system if you want bee legal here.

and if i could fix and change plugin code my self then oxwall and developers here would stop earn money on this new profiles in the store

i really no have words for this system more then it is liek play on casino with you money you never know what happen with you money or you business very unsafe and when somehting is unsafe they will leave not stay


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 20 '16
You are infected with the Tammy's virus, 

I'm a patient man, that's why I don't always say what I think, I was trying to help you and now you turn around against me... not cool man.
The most I try to help, the most you get mad against me, there is somebody who have serious issues at the top floor but ain't me.
Are you sure that you aren't Tammy with another profile?

OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
if i infected with Tammys virus maybe you are infected with this store virus?

so then we are on same level both have some virus

Tammy and me are not stupid SD and we have support from many that buy plugins but very little support form any developer in this store maybe 0% and i not care so much about that. im not here for get devlopers friends im here to buy plugins for my business 

and if you not like that we want have safe business and not get milked out on money every year then thats is your opinion and you probably share same opinion with many developers here

im a buyer here and i not happy with this store system like or not like it

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 20 '16
The problem is that now you think about me like if I were a skalfa or oxwall team member who tries to steal money from you, that's a very serious accusations, so I have to ask you to stop it, if you wanna talk about someone else I don't care, but you are talking about me, the only one who agreed with you in almost everything.

Some customers ask to get remakes of old plugins with better features, the people need upgrades, so I'm not gonna stop making more better plugins or remakes just because of what you may think.

Why do you do it? Why me? Did I have done anything that upset you?This is the last time I ask you to stop please.

I was supporting you, but look what you are doing now, are you trying to sabotage yourself?!! Not cool.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Nov 20 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16

I was supporting you to SD . but look what happens in the store SD it is not safe buy plugins here and you can not try fix things you self because you not allowed to do that if follow the rules here

i Buy many plugins that i not allowed touch the code if the developer stop upgrade his plugin and i need wait if unlucky several months for that plugin come back in the store with another developer and buy it again

this will never bee a good system and they did not like my system that i suggest and they did not like you system SD

I done with suggest

they will always give the developers best agreements and options never they who buy plugins here and in the calculation they forget buyers will leave system like that 

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 20 '16
What are you talking about? What rules?

How do you know that these plugins do not allow you to fix them?
Did you read already all the Terms And Conditions of all plugins you bought? I bet you didn't read them already.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Nov 20 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
rules = "TOS" or call it special terms that developers can implement on they own with fully support from oxwall that you not allowed change any code in the plugin if the terms says that or TOS
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
I can not read this TOS because the plugin is suspended so i can not see the plugin store page...but i will take a look again if i can see this TOS

i can only see a page look like this


not easy read any TOS there and if they store deleted where i read this TOS ?

and this is not the only plugin that they have suspended that i use now

here is dave have make his own terms that if everyone have same then you would have this issues i talk about that you need sit and wait patiently for another new developers comes and create same plugin and that can take up to 2 years i have seen in some examples.

- removed daves terms as he started get worry 

daves terms are not good for any buyers only for the developer if he leaves his plugins or stop support them.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 20 '16

>>>>if everyone have same<<<<

All the store plugins have not the same TOS.

Looks like you are not going to read the TOS of your plugins, you are just trying to make a point, the same one that he has already told you. His plugins works and he has been here since a long time ago, so I don't see a problem with him, his TOS or his plugins.

If you don't like that TOS, just skip that developer's plugins. Seek for another developer's plugins, ho, but you don't like remakes, even if they have different TOS, then now what?

dave Leader
dave Nov 20 '16
SD - just like tammy, no matter what you say to marcus he will come back with some other crazy remark. Thats why i try to just ignore him as much as possible but it is not always easy.  He wants to go round and round all the time without any answer, just like tammy did. 

Marcus - I am not ashamed or how i protect my work, it is common practice to do so and that is a very common license format.  I have the right to protect my work any way i see fit. I dont have to answer to you or anyone else how i protect my work.  The only people that tend to overly worry about licenses are those that want to abuse them.

Also i strongly suggest you edit your post to remove my email address and my site domain from that post before i get you banned from this forum.  This kind of abuse of the forum is considered harrassment and i wont stand for it any more from you.  

I am hereby giving you notice marcus that if you continue to attack myself or others on this forum with your abusive rants, you will no longer have the privilege to do so.  And that means by any name you choose in the future as well.    

Also consider the fact that with all her complaining and all her abuse to others on this forum tammy must still use Oxwall or she would not still be talking about it.  You can make up your own mind what that means to you. 

I really suggest marcus that if you are going to move over to wordpress that you do so and leave this behind you before you totally lose any respect you have around here. 

You have been officially warned marcus and you are now on notice, i suggest you take it seriously..  

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 20 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
SD i can not read TOS of that plugin it is suspended , how can i read the TOS of that plugin?

dave if you proud of you terms then you shuld know you email and name is inside your terms and it is in public for everyone to read you email . i suggest you remove that in public if you very concern about that.

if you feel ashamed of your terms dave i will remove that to from this topic just let me know i was just take it for a example of terms that is make it hard for buyers have a safe business in this store and in future

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 20 '16
you missed my domain name in the license too.. look again.. 

this is for customers to read not the world marcus, you published it to spammers and the world. 

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 20 '16

That's the last time I answer a so basic questions Marcus, you need to read, a lot.

It is the customer who have the keep his TOS of his products in a safe place because you never know if or when a product is removed.

If you didn't read the TOS of that plugins and you don't have a copy of them, you have to ask the developer for a copy of the TOS. Sometimes there is a copy of the TOS inside the plugin folder.

So what about the others plugin? They allow you to modify the other plugins? Or you don't really care?

OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
it was removed dave i did not think about the spammers....anyways the TOS is not readable in suspended plugins 

I have only issue with this plugin that is suspended because it is a main plugin that i use for sucesss on internet and there is no developer to ask , he have leaved this place long time ago and refuce to answer people

i will look if there is terms inside the plugin, i think SD everyone should include terms inside the plugin if the developer get his plugin suspended

this is another thing for make this store better

i checked no terms included in the plugin what i could see?

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 20 '16
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