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Topic location: Development » Themes
dave Leader
dave May 25 '19
Well i have researched and tested but i cant get icons to show up on my oxwall test site using android chrome, chrome is all i use.  I did use the chrome consule emulator and they are there.  But on my actual phone the links work but they are invisible links, no image at all.   … More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
dave Leader
dave May 27 '19
Now one thing i have found so far is that it appears the template_c location is actually set in  ow_librairies/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php file  :)  More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Marcus Jun 4 '19
Hi folks im trying to hide add new widget when user lands on sertain page. public function hide_add_new_widjet(BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $event) OW::getEventManager()->bind('base.add_new_content_item', array($this, "hide_add_new_widjet")); in: add_new_content.php this code: … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Catkin Jul 3 '19
Hay folks, I want to do something simple here.I would like the banner on my theme to only be displayed on the front page, all other pages like photos or profiles I would not like it displayed at the top, how do I do this? All help appreciated! More
Hennesen Jul 10 '19
Hello everyone, I am running a website with Oxwall and all is fine except for the search function (Standard Forum Module). When someone uses the search function, the page displays the following error: Error details: Type: Exception Message: SQLSTATE[42000]: … More
Marcus Jul 29 '19
Hi folks how to make newsfeed post button area visible always. By default user needs to click on it to make it visible. Most users don't know that. Id like to make it visible by default.  More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
filipe Jul 19 '19
I would like to know how we can make it so that all users start out friends so that users aren't just sitting there by themselves posting to only themselves and admin? More
Klaus Rock
Klaus Rock May 4 '19
View More Button not working Version 1.8.4PHP 7.2.17 Any Idea ?? Thanks More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Catkin Aug 5 '19
Hay folks! So I was wondering, how can I add more privacy options to the privacy screen? Currently there is: Everybody, Friends, Only me. I would like to have set up with: Everybody, Followers, Friends, Only me, Everybody and Followers, Followers and Friends. Most likely, … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Catkin Aug 8 '19
Hello Again! I am back at it again trying to do something I thought would be relatively simple but has turned out to be quite hard! I am wanting the forum on my site to have a unique style to it that won't affect the other parts of the site that use .ow_alt2 ect, as shown below: … More
Onur Sep 20 '19
… ("memberx.lookin_for_changed", $(this).val()); }    );});{/literal}{/script} {if isset($menu)}{$menu}{/if} {if isset($authMessage)}<div class="ow_anno ow_std_margin ow_nocontent">{$authMessage}</div>{else}<div class="clearfix">    <div class="ow_superwide … More
Carlos Padilla
Carlos Padilla Sep 23 '19
After migrating my site, when I log in I am shown the blank page (Attached image), so I need to press the enter key to get the page into the profile. The same is true when I click sign out.NOTE: On the other server was working correctly. 48h ago that I updated the DNS More
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Oct 10 '19
I have a problem with a plugin that I am doing.I have been removing things and more things to simplify and isolate the problem.I don't know how to fix it. The problem is that $ _FILES is an empty array after uploading an image.The main code is in the attached file, … More
Bob Newbie
Bob Newbie Oct 18 '19
Just a little background.  I can use the search function when viewing  the photos, Blogs and members plugins and they work just fine. If I do a  forum search, I get the Error 500 message.  … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Ash Oct 27 '19
HiI have set cron to 5mins* How do i further customize it NOT to Run after 10pm till morning 8am ? My reminders plugin which is based on cron job, run at night and 12am notifications to members is not good!  Any help will be really appreciated.Look fwCheers! More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Rob Oct 28 '19
Why is there quite a lot of text used in the themes which every word starts with a capital letter.?Can this be changed easily through a css adjustment. More
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 6 '19
… be very interesting to make a plugin with it.https://www.phpclasses.org/package/11383-PHP-Generate-form-inputs-to-allow-user-voice-control.htmlThis class can generate form inputs to allow user voice control.It can generate HTML for form inputs that allow the user to set values of form inputs.The classMore
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Catkin Nov 9 '19
Hello! Is there a way to make Oxwall accept globally, images with transparency? I understand they are compressed when they are uploaded but is there a way to make images retain transparency? I would like the photo plugin to keep images transparent background when they are uploaded. … More
Marcus Nov 17 '19
Hi folks is OW::getRequest()->isPost() same as $_Post????  More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Marcus Nov 19 '19
How to make the ow redirect to required question input after I set some question to required? In other words I already had a question I set to to required but it does not redirect you to as I said above to required question input page why? How to make this happen! It does happen to new questions … More
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