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Topic location: Support » General Questions
Ken Jul 25 '15
Is there a way to hide or remove the 'delete profile' option from ow 1.7.5? Anyone, please? More
Jerry Jun 25 '13
Hello, I am running Apache 2.4.3 (Win64) PHP/5.4.14 and MySQL 5.6. I've run the installer and when it finishes I get the error 500 page. Changed the config.php's debug to true and get this result: Message: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: … More
Topic location: Community Exchange » Language packs
Gábor Jan 7 '12
Magyar felhasználók közössége. More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Cle Jan 2 '12
Hello,  I have over 3,000 very active members but the hosting with A2Hosting Sucks.  My site is always down and I need reliable hosting because when the site is down - I LOOSE MONEY. And members. I currently have a VPS plan with A2 Hosting.  … More
Mani May 25 '14
I have trying to install OxWall on the hosting space provides by the freehostingnoads.net for last 6 days but I'm always getting the 500 internal error. I had changed the ow_includes/config.php file value from false to  … More
Akash Jan 15 '16
Oxwalls oEmbed feature has a large number of bugs and most importantly xss vulnerabilities.   Suppose if i write a website  <html><title>Test <script>//my javascript code</script></title><body></body></html> … More
UTAN Sep 4 '13
Hi guys and Gals, I am pretty new to this awesome software, I am currently working in draft site , trying to change appearance and so.. What I want if to be directed in how to transfer my user database from a login i wrote to oxwalls , … More
Miroslav Jan 22 '14
Hello,  with oxwall just beginning. Therefore, I would like to ask whether it is possible to move this widget to sidebar theme.  Thank you  Using theme: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/31 Widget plugin: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/331 More
Evgeny Jan 10 '14
Где находится html код индекса и шапки, подскажите пожалуйста народ More
Ablay May 24 '13
как убрать welcome to our communty web site More
Frank Z
Frank Z Sep 26 '15
The Sign in button that I'm indicating above can't be pressed sometimes(No response when you pressing it). Is it a theme problem or what?Do anyone have any idea?Feel free to check my website http://acgfriends.com using Firefox Developer Tools or something else. EDIT: … More
Mark Feb 10 '12
After the initial errors with 1.3 all now seems to be working however whenever you click on anything that requires a pop-up such as the change user roles button, block button or customise page config buttons nothing pops up, it acts like its about to but just displays a a darken page. … More
Stuart May 4 '13
Hi,I am beginning to think there is a bug specific to ubuntu server and vsftpd. I am not sure why but since the release of 1.5 I have not been able to update plugins. Even though the error says authentication, it isn't and I have said this on many occasions. … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 20 '14
Hello Oxwallers! I recently added a share this code under the header on my master_pages and I can't remember for sure what it looked like before but I think it upset the spacing of the small page title and the small page icon just to the left.  Now the title is overlapping the icon. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Shanae Wildgoose
Shanae Wildgoose Jun 13 '15
I'm not sure if I installed something wrong but I have no access to an admin panel.  More
Banaмba Mar 4 '13
Установил Плагин ShareThis. www.oxwall.org/store/item/484 Плагин бесплатный. В низу появилась панель с кнопками социальных сетей, и почты. Кнопок много, но отображаются на панели только четыре. Остальные в выбирать в окне. Это нормально, … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
R. H.
R. H. Nov 9 '10
Hallo! I maka a german translation and it works good. But how can I change the Date Format int german variant: Now: Erstellt: Nov 2 · Admin: Lisa · Melden I want: Erstellt: 2. Nov · Admin: Lisa · Melden and Now: Gestern, 09:29PM I want: Gestern, 21: … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Nov 11 '15
Try to get ffmpeg to work together with one video plugin I've installed on Oxwall.  I installed ffmpeg from this explanation: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/faq/  I installed ffmpeg here on my ampps-server in win10:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\ffmpeg\bin  … More
Marina Bircher
Marina Bircher Apr 2 '15
Hi dear readers The Oxwall software is greate, but ... the documentation is a joke, isnt it? :( Where can I find the file which handles the user profiles when I go to mysite.com/user/username - I want to find the $_GET['username'] , is that possible?  Which tutorials should I read, … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Rebecca-Jayne Sep 14 '15
Hey guys, sorry to bug again. I'm just wondering how you can change the colour of the background to the chat box? It's barely readable for most members and just wondering how to do it please? I changed the parts underlined but that seemed to do nothing, … More