I have searched the forum but found nothing that meets what I see.
Basically when my sitemap generation runs I can see the URLS being added into the sitemap table of the database.
However, they do not get added into the xml file.
My files look like this:
/sitemap. … More
When uploading my database and my dev-site to my live server, I noticed that Oxwall puts ABSOLUTE urls (including domain-name) in database-records for images..etc.....
..which of course breaks images !!
Did I miss a setting somewhere to only use relative URLs ???
I think this would be a very odd behaviour/bug... More
Maybe I'm missing something but I frequently have to log in to my Oxwall site after having been away a few hours despite having the "Remember me" box checked on the signin page.
Is there any way to change this relatively short auto-logout? … More
… this error:
"BOL_LanguageService::getInstance()->addPrefix('contacting', 'Contacting Us');
Fatal error: Call to a member function getKey() on null in /home/...url.../ow_system_plugins/base/bol/plugin_service.php on line 415"
All the best
… the Oxwall installs run like greased lightning:
define(‘OW_DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); **IP or URL of your remote database server**define(‘OW_DB_PORT’, null); **its port** define(‘OW_DB_USER’, ‘db_user’); **admin or SA or whatever **define(‘OW_DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’); **duh **define(‘ … More
As of yesterday, I have had to disable the Photos plugin. I have disabled every other plugin and tried it again, but it still breaks the layout of the site. I am using the default layout offered by Oxwall, so I am unsure why an Oxwall plugin would break an Oxwall default packaged layout. … More
How can i check whether cron job(run.php) is working or not ?
Is the little green online dot not a part of that. It's seams to take forever to update/switch off ?
All the best
… (/admin/pages) with a link to /photo/view/latest, in the database appears references in tables "_menu_item" and "_documets" (like "page_q28aw3ge", null, null, 'photo/view/latest' for example). After that, display the "LAST photos" is not working. I don't know why, didn't have time to test it … More
I try to set the class of the user avatar to online if a user is online, but nothing happens. Edited the avatar_item.html and changed the following code:
<div class="ow_avatar {if $user.isOnline}online{/if} {if !empty($data.class)} {$data.class}{/if}">
But it seems the variable "$user. … More
Si al querer instalar un idioma, español por ejemplo, da un error 500 y dice que tu sitio no funciona, solo hay que ir a tu CPANEL, entrar a VERSIÓN DE PHP y activar el módulo ZIP.
Asunto arreglado. (no olvides crear el CRON JOB también en CPANEL) ejemplo:
wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.TUSITIO.com//ow_cron/run.php
¡Saludos! More
… $jsInitialized = false, $scope = 'email,public_profile,user_birthday';
Old lines: public function getPossibleFbFieldList($questionName = null) { switch ($questionName) { More
… importieren die alte Tabellen Struktur sieht so aus:
IF EXISTS niceppl;
TABLE `niceppl` (
`id` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`country` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`state` … More
This vulnerability was found in a default installation of Oxwall 1.8.4. No codes were modified.
Admin panel of Oxwall has some series of vulnerabilities. We will explain the two important ones that we discovered. … More
This xss is located in creating blog and other sections where hyperlink is allowed. PoC click this for example. CVE for this is: CVE-2017-9824. CVE site should have limited info added on this soon. (~1 week)
… little blighters to get rid of.
If you want emails stopped, when you set up your cron jobs, add this (without the quotes) cron code[space]>/dev/null 2>&1
Or, "> /dev/null" or "> /dev/null 2>&1 || true"
Without the quotes
Perhaps an admin could sticky this, as … More