I looked at my language values and there are 113 missing values. I understand that some of them possibly come from old plugins or updated lang packs for the plugins.
But my question has to do with the missing base values. There are tons of missing base values as well. … More
I'm using the Parallels Plesk 12.0 panel and for schedule task this is the options it gives me, However on this link https://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron
Does not give too much detail on how it should run. Below is a provided screen shot of my plesk panel task setup. Any ideas?
and not BINARY.
Create a new htaccess file and place the following code in it:
AuthUserFile /usr/local/you/safedir/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic
require user username
The first line is the full server path to your
htpasswd file. If you have More
… it was worth mentioning that on the cron examples you see in the documention and other places on the net such as this example. wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php that there may not be an -O (or -o) option on your server. When i ran the -O it came back … More
Need help.. I dont know what the name cookies, cache, or session..
How to enable if user comeback to my site is autologin/still login (if they not clik logout button)
Because if i leave my site back, i must clik login button..
Thanks for help.. More
hi i am uploading with phpmayadmin my db to new serverbut i am recieved this error message
"/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ow_base_geolocation_ip_to_country` DISABLE KEYS */;"
what is the problem
… my site are there
dose anyone know where i can put the php script to get the chat to show up on my site
function freichatx_get_hash($ses){
if(is_file("/home/ … More
This is not meant to pick on developers but most any time there are standards, even minimum standards it is beneficial to all. Better quality means more sales and standards equate to time savings which is money in your pocket. … More
I recently have been having 'hiccup' problems accessing mysql database on all of my websites (5 total, very little traffic in all of them). After a lot of debate between support & me, … More
Hi, i had a problem!
My cronjobs doesnt works... I had Parallels plesk and i add a scheduled task. But, yesterday was he works and now he doest works!
I had configure it:
MinHDMMDWCommand1****wget -q -O /dev/null http://heremywebsitenamel/ow_cron/run.php More
… /ow_plugins/store/controllers/item.phpLine:2413OW Debug - ErrorMessage:Argument 3 passed to BOL_TagService::updateEntityTags() must be an array, null given, called in /home/oxwallo/public_html/ow_plugins/store/controllers/item.php on line 2427 and definedFile:/home/oxwallo/public_html/ … More
This link does not work now. My items are not listed.
Also at the top of page, some null value is displayed.
The link http://www.oxwall.org/store/list/plugin does not have latest, new section.
… throws an error: so I changed line 883
vi ow_plugins/groups/controllers/groups.php
public function __construct( $exception = null )
//$this->setErrorMessage(OW::getLanguage()->text('groups', 'group_already_exists'));
$this-> … More
Hola, ¿Alguien me puede ayudar a editar el archivo run.php para configurar el cron job? No tengo mucha idea de programación (vamos, ninguna) y tras crear el cron job en el servidor me dice como "command to run": php -f /home/u490813954/ow_cron/run.php Hasta aquí Ok, … More
Tag miteinander!
Kann mir wer verraten, wie ich was verändern muss, damit Fotos nach dem Hochladen komprimiert werden?
Beim Avatar und Fotoplugin wird mit bester Qualität abgespeichert.
->Ich habe ein 2048x1536px (155kb) Bild hochgeladen, welches dann in der Galerie als 640x480px und ~160kb gespeichert wurde.
Oxwallgermany oder wie auch immer ist ja nicht wirklich erreichbar, daher meine Frage an die Runde: hat jemand ein passendes Sprachpaket für die 1.4er Version?
Ich versteh´s einfach nicht, nach langem Googeln bin ich immer noch nicht drauf gekommen, wie es funktioniert.
Ich muss ja bei Minute, Stunde, Tag, Monat und Wochentag überall ein * eintragen, damit es minütlich ausgeführt wird. … More