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Topic location: Support » General Questions
Mohd Kaif
Mohd Kaif Sep 16 '23
Getting into the audio visual equipment rental business can be a great way to make some extra income or even a full-time living. However, it takes a lot of hard work to make this type of business successful. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
grafics Dec 20 '23
… put around details locations and offer speedier connections nonetheless can be extra at the mercy of detectors by way of specified web pages. 3. Mobile phone Proxies: Utilizing mobile phone cpa affiliate networks, all these proxies make the most of mobile phone IP covers, just the thing for mobileMore
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Maven Technology
Maven Technology Dec 11 '23
Pay-per-click advertising has firmly established itself as a crucial component of digital marketing strategies for businesses across the globe. Its innovative model, which charges advertisers solely based on user clicks, … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
ppyadv48 Dec 20 '23
… - the SOCKS5 proxy. This article aims to shed light on this powerful tool and its role in enhancing our online experience.To get more news about free mobile proxy, you can visit ip2world.com official website. A SOCKS5 proxy is a protocol that routes your data packets from your device to a server via a … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Spotify mod APK
Spotify mod APK Dec 21 '23
Discover the most budget-friendly tire solutions with the Cheapest mobile tyres manchester. Offering affordability without compromising quality, their services include tire replacements, repairs, and emergencies. Ensure … More
Niko G
Niko G Oct 26 '15
Hello,   I’m trying to install Oxwall on an Amazon EC2 instance. I created security group and I have my dynamic IP. I have launched my Ubuntu 14.04 as well as installing Linux, Apache 2.4.7, Php 5.5.9 and MySql 5.5.4. I downloaded Oxwall 1.8.0 via wget and unzip it though taskel. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Donamix Feb 21 '13
Is there any music plugin that allows members to upload tracks?Share mp3's etc.. i only saw one music plugin in the store But not what im looking for. More
Enock Jul 12 '12
Hi. I've a phpbb forum and i put a box with RSS of my forum in Oxwall mainpage. When i put the URL in settings and click save, showme "Enter a valid URL" Where is the problem? Thanks More
Jain Dec 7 '14
Hi all, Help me please. Just I have download Oxwall-1.7.2.zip, already unzip in my web folder wwwroot. Just I call www.mysite.com/install from browser, that is show error 404. I don't know what I need to do. My hosting provider is Arvixe. I using PersonalClass ASP hosting. Thanks .. More
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Feb 13 '16
Hoping someone can help me. Here's the debug notice: OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY'File:/home/jomik12/domains/planettickle.com/public_html/ow_core/database.phpLine:723Trace: … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Max Oct 22 '11
Hi ! Today, I decided to do a little tutorial for you : How to create a new theme for Oxwall . Note : You can read this if you need to modify a theme 1/ Requirements 2/ Files  preparation 3/ Edit files 4/ CSS Edit 5/ Items      … More
Prabath Jan 21 '16
Hiii All,I have recently launched my site, using Oxwall. I have this bug, where the site is redirecting to the "please confirm your email address" page.This happened when i created a user account with live.com email. And I did not get a email notification to the live account for confirmation. My site is at www.traveltania.com More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Khalid Shaikh
Khalid Shaikh Nov 24 '11
Hello Friends...I need your help...can any one please suggest some solution regarding my issue Currently this is how my site footer looks like i want to change height of footer, i want to decrease it..so it would look like as below I tries editing following files in theme folder... … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Juan Jose Melara
Juan Jose Melara Feb 12 '14
Hello guys, I installed Oxwall in a subdomain and I made all changes needed. However, my users, just a few, are still in the original domian. Can anyone tell me how to move my users from one Oxwall installation to another? Can I do it? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Raymond Jul 26 '14
Hi i just want to ask if someone can help me how to configure my google contact uploader? thanks More
lucia liljegren
lucia liljegren Feb 12 '14
Hi, I'm on dreamhost and set the cron job using their handy tool. However, their tool doesn't like me pick "every minute".  I can pick "every 10  minutes" or pick the individual minutes.  It seems I can have then start on minute (0,5,10.... 55). … More
Jerome Nov 13 '13
I checked "Verify Email" in user settings... Then i registered a new account, this is what i get... I refresh the page, and it lead me to... But i did not receive any emails in my hotmail account... I've checked my junk folder too, it's not there... More
Abouna Andrew
Abouna Andrew Oct 13 '11
Hi Guys, I did the auto installation from CP using scriptDemo. I have the site up and running fine. I made the site private and you can register by invitation only.  From my admin site I sent few invitation as a test and no one got the email including myself. … More
Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '13
Youtube has recently changed the way they embed their videos. 1. FIX FOR VIDEOS ADDED VIA MEDIA PANEL Media panel is the panel with various tools within the form where you can add a text (ex. forum topic or blog post, newsfeed). a. download the .txt file attached to this reply. b. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Martin Baso
Martin Baso Apr 27 '15
Dear Oxwall team.  EU requires to have a landing page in order comply with the EU privacy law. Otherwise penalties may come.... Is there any workaround how to do it? Example The cookie header banner displayed on all pages of a site using cookies that require informed consent. … More