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Topic location: Support » General Questions
Liviu-Daniel Jan 10 '18
People come here, invest time and money in OxWall to build a website, then when they get to know the community better and they see hundreds of forum posts and requests with no answer they realize that OXWALL IS DEAD and they threw away time and money for nothing. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
ppyadv48 Oct 18 '23
YYDS: The Internet Slang That Took China by Storm YYDS, pronounced as "yee yee dee ess", is a popular internet slang in China that means "eternal god" or "the best ever". It is often used to express admiration, respect, or fandom for someone or something. … More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
dave Leader
dave Nov 6 '16
I noticed before 1.8.4 that the free exteme cache plugin was not at 100% all the time when clearing cache.  But now i have noticed a big difference with 1.8.4.    Now some of this is due to the fact that i also use cloudflare for my DNS and it caches every page of the site. … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Timmysweb Aug 6 '16
I have installed Oxwall with Simplicity. However, icons in the main pages cannot be shown. icons of all widgets such as birthday, newsfeed, events cannot be shown. Are there any one can help me ? Thanks :) More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
I created a poster background  for my video plugin but its fuzzy. I am not a graphics pro but i do have photoshop.   Anyone know how to take the fuzzyness out of it.   i am using drop shadow 1-0-1 at 100%  and sharp and copper black font and it is a png file any ideas i want it to not be fuzzy...  More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Aditya Saxena
Aditya Saxena Jul 13 '16
Oxwall has a default user password. It is an obstruction as the user needs to delete it before he can type in his own. I would like to know how to reset it. More
Emil Jul 4 '16
Hello, it would be useful for the latest activity of a user to be visible in their profile page somewhere, is there a way this can be implemented? More
WOO Jun 2 '16
I've set the smtp, and made a test smtp connection. It return: SMTP test success. You can start sending emails using this connection. I try to send mail via mass mailing. No error msg after done. But none can receive the email. I have tried it for long time. What can I do to check it? Thanks! More
deep rolling
deep rolling May 27 '16
hello i browsed some of the topics regarding the country/cities Dropdown menu i still wonder why since 2013 and the community did not find out a solution for this!!!!! my question is is there any way i can make this happen, because my site depends on this feature. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
jeo Oct 15 '11
I will love to know how to add a shopping store to my site a bit the oxwall store but only to sale stuff like cars, cloves & etc, so members can add stuff up for sale like ebay plus pay owners to do it. For example owners can set a V.A.T for each type of product set by search tags, software V.A. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
OW-Ghost Mar 27 '16
Hi I thinking install cloudflare ,should i do it? will my pages speed bee much better? will i get problems when i install it or something i should think about? i see oxwall have a plugin for this do i need it? More
matt Jun 2 '15
Hi, I am having some trouble with migration to a different server. I am moving my oxwall from a shared host to a dedicatd centos server. With webmin for a GUI - I have setup a virtual host in apache. I think I am having trouble with the routing.. … More
Benjamin Jun 8 '11
Hi all, For my site I had to customize the 'Event'-plugin a little bit. Because I want to use the plugin for casting calls I had to add a contact form posibility. Everything is working now, but I have the following question; I want to hide the contact form block when a event is a past event, … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Andrew M
Andrew M Oct 19 '13
So, the themes files in ow_themes get copied to ow_static/themes. Then when you run your site the theme files are pulled from the ow_static/themes folder. … More
matt Mar 24 '15
Hi Just need to make some changes on CSS for .ow_ulist_big_avatar but cant find where is located , I looked for it in mysite.com/ow_themes/mytheme/bass.css but no such class or div.please advise? Thanks More
Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Nov 28 '15
i want to add a floatbox for every visit on the dashboard More
Robert Dec 13 '11
Here is the error message.  Any help would be great. OW Debug - Exception Message: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'userId' in 'where clause' File: /home/biogsu/public_html/oxwall/ow_core/database.php Line: 311 Trace: … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 2 '13
Hi, Lately, we have been experiencing problem accessing our website. We would be in the middle of something and the page will refuse to load and than we are asked to install the website again. Attached is a screenshot of the page which comes up instead of the homepage. After a while, … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Lahore Dec 24 '10
Which is best Hosting service... other than Arivixe etc... And what about yahoo host or networksolutions... and if i but a server can i move my recent wall fm site on that? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Nov 8 '14
Do not get notifications for email.ho checked cron is affixed because the verification email subscription arrive! Message and others do not come! More