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Topic location: Development » Themes
Don Page
Don Page Jul 12 '14
Hi; I can't find the controls for these in the CSS, I'm using the default theme, origin. I want to change the color of the dark grey text in the news-feed box.  Is there a guide to the theme's css available? Thanks  Don More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
Connerson Oct 26 '15
I know there's a thread to share sites Powered by Oxwall, but what I would like to see is just those sites which are relatively successful in terms of traffic and revenue. It would be great to get some stats regarding the number of members, page loads, resource usage etc... Anyone willing to share? More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 15 '15
I want to change the page that guests see first to a static page, like that seen on oxwall.org - how do I do that? Thanks!J More
Topic location: Community Exchange » General Chat
francesco Sep 2 '13
hello,hi can help me?I chat visichat 2.6.0.I would like to integrate chat visichat 2.6.0 a oxwall. then chat takes user data from db Oxwall or contrary.thanks More
Nick Nov 7 '14
Sorry if this has been posted before but is there a way to have users upload personal videos from their computer to my web page? Like facebook allows? I saw one plugin but it sounds like it doesn't really work anymore or never did. … More
Topic location: Community Exchange » Language packs
Harun May 24 '14
http://oxwall-tr.org/groups/3   Arkadaşlar yukarıda ki adresden güncellemeleri takip edebilrsiniz.Bunun dışında 24.05.2014 tarihi itibari ile %99+ lık kısmı Türkçeleştirilmiş dosyayı + wathcdog + contact us eklentilerinin de Türkçe dil dosyalarını içeren arşiv eke koyulmuştur. More
Степан Feb 28 '15
Всем привет, у кого нибудь есть НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ русский язык для самой новой версии (1.7.2) ? Если есть, то поделитесь пожалуйста... More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Rivu Apr 20 '11
Well, adden, These days You're Using a "TEAM" Badge when posting on foums. How did u made that? More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Español
Angel Ferrer
Angel Ferrer Aug 30 '13
He usado el cms oxwall durante 2 años y con respecto a los demas CMS es bastante bueno, pero hay un tema que deberian resolver para la proxima version y es el problema del envio de correos, … More
Michael Aug 21 '13
So I'm continually buying plugins from the store, I often get errors when buying from one particular developer (who always blames our site). Anyway we uploaded another one of his plugins and our whole site went down, it didnt even produce a 500 error. … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
falancas Feb 4 '15
javascript://   ?? What is the link needed to upload photos? Full patch link. More
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 9 '14
Hi Oxwall, I have been trying to update my Newsfeed plugin but with no luck...I keep getting this error : Gateway Time-out The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application. ---- And whenever  i refresh i cant do anything in my dashboard until  … More
Topic location: Support » General Questions
Mamarika Nov 25 '22
Coll))) More
Topic location: Community Exchange » Language packs
Th3Mirr0r May 26 '12
I've found the right topic,finally :)Here is the Romanian language pack for Oxwall.I searched over internet,and i couldn't find any,so i did one myself,translating as much possible almost all strings [without FAQs].Romanian Language Pack for Oxwall >> download here: … More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Español
Rodrigo Bruno
Rodrigo Bruno Jan 28 '20
Hola soy nuevo en oxwall y estoy haciendo una red de contactos pero necesito exportar cada cierto tiempo mi lista de usuarios a un svc o excel como tablas. Alguien puede ayudarme? More
c f
c f May 19 '13
I have been a WAMP user for several years, installed uncountable software packages on it with little to no trouble or I figure it out.  I admit I am stumped and my time is worth more than the software is to get it right yet I wanna try it! if go to localhost/oxwall/install  … More
Topic location: Development » Themes
Chris Jun 27 '15
MY ETHOS INSTALLATION Hello, I had one forum member say that he can't access my Ethos themed forum using an Iphone.  I don't have such a gadget to test with, so wondered if there is anyone who might have an answer?He says he gets "Not supported" shown when trying to access. More
Topic location: Oxwall International » Française
pascal Sep 30 '15
Je ne trouve pas à quoi sert pour l'administrateur de "sélectionner" ou "désélectionner" un membre dans user/boby à part apparaître dans la liste de users/featured ... je ne comprends pas cette fonction... ou alors je suis à l'ouest :-) More
Jeroen Mar 8 '14
when i try a fresh install i always get this error PHP Fatal error:  Class 'UTIL_Url' not found in  in /var/www/ow_install/install.php on line 26 mod_rewrite checked and working what do i do wrong More
Kevin Nov 18 '13
Im facing 404 issue when install. I think it should be the mod_rewrite issue. My dedicated server is running on Nginx What should I put in the server {} ? How can I check if mod_rewrite is working? How do I install oxwall at Nginx? thanks More