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Is it Oxwall game over? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
OW-Ghost Feb 22 '18
I talk with Emil one year ago when he was setup his new online business. But i was never ask him about oxwalls future, only other questions.

That will not get us any answers, the best would bee if him self could jump in and say something about oxwall

Where is roadmap for future? the goals? core updates? team members ? a date when reach this goals ? is the Team bigger or smaller then before? Why is it quiet from the Team and Emil ?

A lot of questions that should bee answered ...

With best regards.


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 22 '18
dave Leader
dave Feb 22 '18
OW Visuals you seem to be the only one getting any kind of reply.  Can you please ask Emil to let us know what is happening and what the current situation is.  There are alot of people in every part of this project cycle that need some answers and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would let us know by posting something on the blog or on the forum. 


Dave  :)

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Feb 23 '18
+1...Some of us have invested a lot of money on plugins we bought.....few years ago when i moved from Ning.com i saw a great potential on oxwall after searching online for the best social network platform and to me oxwall seemed like a great platform and still believe in it honestly.
Quote from dave OW Visuals you seem to be the only one getting any kind of reply.  Can you please ask Emil to let us know what is happening and what the current situation is.  There are alot of people in every part of this project cycle that need some answers and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would let us know by posting something on the blog or on the forum. 


Dave  :)

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Feb 23 '18
Quote from dave OW Visuals you seem to be the only one getting any kind of reply.  Can you please ask Emil to let us know what is happening and what the current situation is.  There are alot of people in every part of this project cycle that need some answers and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would let us know by posting something on the blog or on the forum. 


Dave  :)

I agree Dave all of us need answers from the Oxwall team, having invested money and time on our projects and seeing this silence is not right for the Oxwall community 
dave Leader
dave Feb 23 '18
I just want honesty! 

If there is no team left but 1 part timer then let us know. 

If it will be a year before they can come back let us know.  

If there are owner/legal issues let us know.

If Oxwall needs to reorganize let us know.

Others like myself would be happier knowing the truth than nothing at all.  I have no issue with a plan of action or no plan of action at all, i just want to know what is going on.  Regardless of plan or not, we all will find a way to survive.

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 23 '18
Marius Feb 23 '18

@ dave 

Emil on twitter :  

Quote from dave I just want honesty! 

If there is no team left but 1 part timer then let us know. 

If it will be a year before they can come back let us know.  

If there are owner/legal issues let us know.

If Oxwall needs to reorganize let us know.

Others like myself would be happier knowing the truth than nothing at all.  I have no issue with a plan of action or no plan of action at all, i just want to know what is going on.  Regardless of plan or not, we all will find a way to survive.

Sutra Nexus
Sutra Nexus Feb 23 '18
The Oxwall Developers also operate under the full service dating/custom social networking company SkaDate. One of the sales people is Sabrina. She too has Eastern European accent;. SkaDate is basically a premium full service version of Oxwall including custom off the menu plugins such as Android and Apple mobile native pluggin. But their themes are stationary at best. 

I have bounced my social network from forum to Ning to SocialGo to Spruce to Grou.ps to Wall and then Oxwall. The previous played games with me.

Oxwall has been 50/50. I was one of the early devs helping with a site called Lost Cherry now called Fubar. I wanted Oxwall to help me get as close to that in FEATURES yet original in theme geared moreso toward music. I need a point level system, gift shop, and a strong video uploader like YouTube or one of the adult tube uploaders types...not YouTube code pasting.

I wanted the Membership level system to not only allow me to configure how many points for a named level but also allow me to configure EXACT AMOUNT OF POINTS FOR SPECIFIC ACTION (i.e. blog post = 234 points. Upload photo = 25 points.) And when they reach a certain amount of points and level the site AUTOMATICALLY unlocks pre-configured feature (i.e. leveling from level2 to level 3 automatically allows photo upload cap of 25 photos only to extend to 100 photo upload allowance.)

The other thing is the ability to CHANGE COLOR OF USER NAME BASED ON ROLE COLOR.

And since the snippit update the dialog box for snippits/profile cover combo has ceased. It does not show pop up of user's avatar with cover and such.

I can understand without a heavy American investor or certain backbone supplying certain things no community open source can continue; however, between SkaDate premium services and the fact that newer themes and plugins are climbing high into the high 20s and low 50s for cost, it would be a good idea to make sure the script is updated in a way like wordpress and encourage an eco system of diverse and MULTIPLE plugins for the same cause. This is marketplace 101. The more variations of plugins you have the better the quality of choice because competition breeds quality. The other point is by them diversifying their own palate and encouraging more and more 3rd party plugin and theme devs to expand into their own Oxwall specific services much like WordPress has caused, a lot of the footwork and grunt work will be taken care of without their blood, sweat, and tears.

Sadly, all other self hosted platforms is like shell games. One platform will have gifts but not membership levels. One will have video upload but no Facebook style covers. 

In closing, I feel if more dynamic plugins were NATIVE and premium native plugins unlocked with a flat whole price upgrade like Boondex Dolphin, it might reduce stress on servers. The problem with barebones is that if you install too many plugins regardless of the hosting co, eventually gravity takes effect. Particularly with 3rd parties. 

I really think the creators have a good thing here, but need strong financial support or structure similar to what the boys over at WordPress got. I do NOT recommend WP for social networks like BuddyPress because it's NEVER a good idea to build a CMS on top of a pre-existing CMS. 

i would almost just fold my arms and have a custom OxWall/SkaDate platform custom built from top to bottom with scalable capabilities and custom plugin suites starting on going for a few $1000 with room to scale out as oppose to put so much grunt work into a cheap thing just to have it fall like a house of cards again.

I have built and rebuilt The Planet generating between a few thousand to 20,000 members at a time between the platforms mentioned above including OxWall just to have host or plugin problems and have to scrap the whole thing and start over from scratch.

Now I have BlueHost as I am a GoDaddy reseller and finally built out AGAIN still incomplete, even on recommended BlueHost I find YouTube auto poster, virtually every other API key specific plugin, and the snippit dialog box just not working sitting there proverbially giving me the finger.

Truly I tell you, whether or not you are up on Facebook and Google inside baseball about censorship and attacks on our free web, those 2 standard oils need competition to whip their asses. And if everyone gets lazy and collapses into what Matt Drudge so accurately described Facebook and Twitter as "digital ghettos", they will win.

And the web will be boring, stationary, authoritarian, and gold fish brained user filled. It will almost make the internet and all of its beautiful massive potential obsolete.

Someone needs to get together and start a tech movement to revive the pre 2009 innovations and excitment in the dev world as a global domino effect instead of being lazy for the cush Google job of today that will fire you tomorrow anyway if and when they ever role out AI worker automation.

This is why I want Linux to catch up. This is why I was pissed at Blackberry for becoming a cuck to the app market that killed them.

Windows and Apple need new heavy weights to come in and knock their asses out. It starts with at least viable social networks and other softwares that do not adhere to the Facebook connect grid and instead forces users to get off their mental couch potato asses and at least sign in manually in exchange for free services that does not resell their data and personal info.

I was one of the MANY building these membership sites on various platforms that would eventually be coined "social networks". I consider it an insult we have allowed an asshole sell out who stole the digital interface that would become Facebook also steal the entire open web along with Alphabet, Inc. and In-cu-tel.

We need an ALL IN ONE social network builder that not only unlocks native apps built in dynamically, but auto save generate into native apps for app store submission is a MUST.

i SAY THIS TO ENCOURAGE BOTH Oxwall and outside devs and builders.

Edward Zhou
Edward Zhou Feb 25 '18
I support Dave's idea to get the truth out of the circumstance, no matter what is going to happen, we need to know the truth in order to get a certain decision for future, my website just has been built and getting over 1000 registered numbers, I do not want everything will be meaningless in the near future.

I suggest the owner of the OxWall to declare the circumstance and make sure what is going on, if nothing emerges, I hope someone would start a new website to reorganize the OxWall team as soon as possible, hopefully I could do something to support it anyway, just like Joomla is maintained by volunteers around the globe, perhaps we could try and hopefully the owner would agree to this extended service, it is related on responsibility, as one of the users, I do hope this will happen soon, either reorganizing by the owner, or by someone who has the ability to do it, to save the open source script would be great!

I really appreciate your time and potential actions to save OxWall anyway!

Quote from dave I just want honesty! 

If there is no team left but 1 part timer then let us know. 

If it will be a year before they can come back let us know.  

If there are owner/legal issues let us know.

If Oxwall needs to reorganize let us know.

Others like myself would be happier knowing the truth than nothing at all.  I have no issue with a plan of action or no plan of action at all, i just want to know what is going on.  Regardless of plan or not, we all will find a way to survive.

Quote from dave I just want honesty! 

If there is no team left but 1 part timer then let us know. 

If it will be a year before they can come back let us know.  

If there are owner/legal issues let us know.

If Oxwall needs to reorganize let us know.

Others like myself would be happier knowing the truth than nothing at all.  I have no issue with a plan of action or no plan of action at all, i just want to know what is going on.  Regardless of plan or not, we all will find a way to survive.

Annemarie Mar 1 '18
Me too and thank you Dave.

Quote from dave I just want honesty! 

If there is no team left but 1 part timer then let us know. 

If it will be a year before they can come back let us know.  

If there are owner/legal issues let us know.

If Oxwall needs to reorganize let us know.

Others like myself would be happier knowing the truth than nothing at all.  I have no issue with a plan of action or no plan of action at all, i just want to know what is going on.  Regardless of plan or not, we all will find a way to survive.

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Mar 1 '18
Quote from dave OW Visuals you seem to be the only one getting any kind of reply.  Can you please ask Emil to let us know what is happening and what the current situation is.  There are alot of people in every part of this project cycle that need some answers and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would let us know by posting something on the blog or on the forum. 


Dave  :)

Unity is strength. 
Rebecca Mar 5 '18
I feel the best way forward is to do what i ended up doing.

Clone the repo, and maintain the code yourself
dave Leader
dave Mar 5 '18

that works as long as they stay alive.  But if they go dark then most everything is lost, plugins become useless and im not even sure the admin will load without a valid connection to the mother ship.   So unless you are maintaning the code in a way that bypasses all of that (which is outside of the license agreement) then you will have the same issue as rest of us if they pull the plug.   

Sean Mar 5 '18
If they are going to pull the plug they could at least make an announcement and say that's what they are going to do.
dave Leader
dave Mar 5 '18
I agree Sean, but sadly they have not communicated so far and its just wishfull thinking to think they would communicate going forward, i do hope i am wrong. 
Steve Mar 5 '18
I know it won't do any good but I wrote this to ross...I like ross but this is getting Regulus.

 Ross I do not like to use foul language but everyone in the FORUMS would like to know what in the HELL is going on with the OXWALL development and with the FORUMS it's self.

People are fucking tired of the silence from the whole team.

Let them know if OXWALL is closing shop or not.

Plus the damn forums is being invaded bad by spammers.   

dave Leader
dave Mar 5 '18
Well Steve i hope you get a reply :)  But it might just be like trying to send smoke signals in a hurricane.  
Steve Mar 5 '18
I heard that dave it is sad because there is a gold mine here not only for them but the dev's of plugins and themes.
AppXprt Mar 5 '18
Are you all unaware of the GitHub Development?

This is an open source project that anyone can contribute to and therefore, theoretically, it never HAS to die as long as there is interest in the project and new users and developers are willing to continue to be involved. So learn a little and help contribute if you're interested in it sticking around:

GitHub Oxwall Development

By the way the Last Commit was only 14 Days ago, wouldn't call that dead:

Oxwall Dev Last Commit 14 Days Ago

Also, as of March 2017 it is listed as the best open source social media platform on the first entry when you search google for best open source social media platform:

Google Search


I think you all just like to complain without any evidence to back any of it up, there is a ton of activity here on the forum.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Mar 5 '18
dave Leader
dave Mar 5 '18
ViXiV Tech, 

The only recent activity on the forum in almost a year now is from volunteers not from the team members which is what we are talking about.  Team members used to be well involved but are no longer.  

Also it is well known that people have contributed to GITHUB but noone ever pulled the contributed changes.  

So whoever is updating GITHUB is solo and is much less active than before.  Over a year without an software update, almost a year without any reply from a team member on the forum. 

You are correct about it being open source however you might want to either read all the replies to this topic or do your own research before you just lash out at people here.  

The team has walked away from the forum, so whats next. We dont even know if there are any team members left as there has been no word in almost a year now.  

The Forum post is edited by dave Mar 5 '18
Steve Mar 5 '18
Well said dave
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